lørdag 8. november 2008


I dag deltok vi på Nordisk vinnerutstilling i Herning. Resultatet ble "very good" på begge. Det er første gang Valborg ikke har fått kvalifkasjonen "excellent" på utstilling. Vel, slik er det. Ulike dommere, ulik dømming. Stella og Valborg har oppført seg eksemplarisk, og siden dette var Stellas første utstilling i "voksen-ringen" var det viktig med gode opplevelser. Vi fortsetter ferien, og setter kursen mot Sverige i morgen.

Eng: Today we participated at the Nordic winnershow in Herning. The result was "very good" on both the dogs. This is Valborg first time she hasn`t got "excellent" on a show. BUT different judges, different judging. Stella and Valborg has behaved very good and since this was Stellas first show as an adult we took care of that it was a nice experience for her. We will continue our vaccation as we will drive against Sweden tomorrow.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

BH what is the matter with this Norwegian Judge(LOL)
Kisses Tina

Anonym sa...

I want to steel the picture of Valborg in the news page! What a lovely dog she is, when I see her I see Laura Biagiotti as a youngster, so a show and work future she will have! Kisses to the doggies and to you both of course.
Tina and Jaap