Today we got the sad message from Arturos (Jazz) owner that he was put to sleep. Jazz had Angiomatosis, a very rear disease who can affect both internal organs and external in the skin. Jazz is one of very few dogs in the world (maybe 3 the vet said) who has this disease. What we and they discovered at Jazz in early age was some birthmarks and one small (ca 2cm) mark on his back where the skin was fragile and it sometimes came some fluid from. On other symphtom was a bump on his side on the ribs. This bump was growing steadily during his short life. Since there are so few dogs a worldbasis having this terrible disease, the veterinarian at the vet institute meant that this couldn`t be genetic. Nobod knows where or what it can appear from. Jazz will go through an authopsie, and I will get the study report within some weeks.
We know that a loss of a dog is so, so hard. We support the owners decision, and are grateful for him updating us. We hope that they will find support in eachother and all the good memories of this dog.
For us it is also a very sad day. This is the third dog in the same litter who have passed away way to early. Amerigo from separation anxioty and tiny Adelina, our little girl who stayed small and had much problems during her youth. But her final visit at the veterinarian was very tragical as the vet misdiagnosed here with severe hipdysplasia, and she was put to sleep after this diagnose, but when the results came back from the Kennel club it was diagnosed grade C.
Now we have to look foreward and we are hoping for better days. Our thoughts goes to Peter and his family at this sad day.
Agnella & Arturo as puppies.