Takket være at det er en del rugder i skogen, har vi fått knallfine situasjoner med hundene. Endelig er det fugl å trene på! Valborg viste utrolig fint arbeide i dag. Siden jeg hadde både Stella og Valorg med, hadde en hund slipp om gangen. Valborg ble borte, og etter en god stund finner jeg henne i fin stand inne blandt noen trær. I og med at Stella var i bånde, valgte jeg å løse henne ut fra litt avstand. Presis reis og rolig i oppflukt. Supert. Hun hadde nok stått en stund i stand før vi kom opp til henne. I morgen har jeg fått hundevakt til de andre hundene, så da skal endelig jeg og Valborg til fjells. Spennende å se hva som befinner seg der!
Eng: Thanks to some woodcocks in the forest, we have got really nice trainingsituations with the dogs. Finally there are birds for training! Valborg really showed off her skills today. Since I had both Stella and Valborg with me, one dog at the time was loose. Valborg was gone for a while, and when we finally located her, she was pointing in between some trees. Since I got Stella on leash, I choose to let her flush in some distance from me. She flushed precisely and was calm after the flush. Super situation. Most likely she had been pointing a long while before we came to her. Tomorrow I have got some help to look after the other dogs so that I and Valborg can enter the mountain. Exciting to look what`s in the mountains!
5 kommentarer:
What a excellent picture!
I forget, have a good trip and take care when you go alone!
Thank you, Tina :-)
Underbart kort och ha de så underbart ute på fjällen !!!
Takk Elin! Har du kommet noe nærmere din valpedrøm? :-)
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