mandag 6. oktober 2008


I går gikk vi atter igjen på fjellet for å jakte etter rype. Været var ikke helt på vår side. Det var ganske sterk vind og det regnet og sklettet om hverandre. Som vanlig jobbet Valborg som en helt, og benyttet seg veldig godt av vind og terreng. Men som vanlig ingen fugl å se... Hvor er rypa????

Yesterday we went again to hunt for the grouse in the mountain. The weather wasn`t quite on our side, it was very windy and it was switching between raining and snowing. As usual worked Valborg excellent, and used the wind and terrain visely. But as usual... No bird at all... Where is the grouse???

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Back HOME! I see that you have lovely new pictures, of course for lovely pictures you need to have lovely dogs (LOL).
We missed you BUT you can make it up to us. Just put your husband and dogs in the car and get over here asap
;-) ;-) ;-)

Anonym sa...

Success this weekend.
In Bocca al Lupo!